jbNPCMapReadme.txt 12:03 PM 1/26/2015 acaramen @ nexusmods Table Of Content ================ 1. Description 2. Requirement 3. Install 4. Uninstall 5. How to Use 6. Note ============== 1. Description ============== Just another mod that add npc to map. but support manage NPC up to 2000 NPC also more features like: - Npc MoveTo Player - Player MoveTo Npc - GetNpcStatus - Call EvaluatePackage - SetEnable - SetDisable - SetProtected - SetEssential - SetRestrained - SetDontMove GetNpcStatus will tell about npc: - IsDead - IsDeleted - IsDisabled - IsEssential - IsProtected - IsUnique ============== 2. Requirement ============== SKYUI and all their requirement ============== 3. Install ============== Copy .esp and .bsa to skyrim/data directory or use your favorite mod manager ============== 4. Uninstall ============== Delete .esp and .bsa ============== 5. How to Use ============== - Install the mod first just like installing any other mod - Play skyrim like usual - Wait few momment until mcm recognized [5.1 Enabling mod] - open mcm menu, jbNPCMap should be there - open [jbNPCMap] -> [General] tab - tick enable Mod - you can also change your hotkey - exit mcm menu [5.2 Add npc to group] - Find npc you want to add - make sure npc is crosshaired then press hotkey - notification should displayed [5.3 Add npc to map] - Go back to [mcm menu] -> [jbNPCMap] -> [npcGroup1] tab - Your npc name should be here - Click npc name, select "Add To NPCMap List" - Click [Npc Map] your npc name should be here Note: all npc in [Npc Map] tab will be displayed on Journal and Map (only 20 is showed on map) [5.4 Check Map and Journal] - exit mcm menu - check your map or press keyboard "M" - check your journal or press keyboard "J" - congratulation at this point you should know how to use this mod - if you still have problem you can ask me ============== 6. Note ============== - Enabling mod means : registering hotkey and crosshair - Disabling mod means : hotkey and crosshair is unregistered, but you can still manage npc inside npcgroup and npcmap - This mod doesnt use periodic check like OnUpdate event - This mod only use 2 events : crosshair event and hotkey event - Me englis no good plis forgive me