ALTERATION WARDS by BanjoBunny SPELLTOME LOCATION Brittleshin Pass. Inside you will find a necromancer/mage and near him will be an enchanting table. The spelltomes are on the enchanting table INSTALLATION Mod manager: install normally with a mod manager. Manual : if you need manual installation instructions, you shouldn't be installing manually. LOAD ORDER Shouldn't matter other than being before patchers that affect spells. No vanilla objects are modified, so just slap it on and go. UNINSTALLATION First make sure to unequip the spells from this mod and make sure the magic effects aren't being displayed in the magic effects menu. Save and exit game. Remove the mod by uninstalling in it in your mod manager. Load game and save again. PERMISSIONS You can use this mod in whatever way you want as long as you give credit to me and link back to this page. You can upload it elsewhere without my permission, include in your mod, translate, modify, redistribute, without my permission as long as you give me credit and link to the mod page. But due to me using bethesda's wardbodyfx.nif, you do not have permission to import this into other games. CREDIT Thanks to lRekol (author of mods like Violens and Heart Breaker) for helping me and making a script to solve my issue with the new ward spells in 0.9! Bethesda. Their vanilla mesh "wardbodyfx.nif" was duplicated and modified for use in this mod. Bethesda's Creation Kit