Bards College Sleeping Cube This is a tiny mod I made for my own use and uploaded here for the convenience of friends. Feel free to use it however you like. Description I converted the end of the dorm section in the Bards College lower level into a sleeping cubicle for the player by moving the items that were there and adding a few pieces with minimal changes to the NavMesh. Specifically this mod adds a divider, four wall shelves, two candles, a player-owned bed, five player-owned containers, and a set of musical instruments. The musical instruments do not respawn. I also added a cookpot in the kitchen to the side of Bendt’s workspace. Imagine if you will that the iron pot retains its heat when moved from the fire to the cookstand. I did not want to add another fire to the kitchen. Feel free to upload screenshots. I love to see how people decorate. (But please remember to put some clothes on any naked characters first.)(You know, because kids.)(Thanks!) This mod was cleaned with TES5Edit 3-0-31. Installation Unzip and place the esp in your Data folder. Activate the mod. Change Log Version 1.0, initial release Thanks To Bethesda for Skyrim and even more for the Creation Kit, to the folks at TESA for their awesome classes and tutorials, and to the kind and supportive friends who turn a single-player game into a living world we can share.