First of all I would like to apologise. I kept uploading a Winrar vesion. :p Now it is a Zip and should be totally cool. Enjoy! Graule's Revenge v2.0 (Requires Skyrim Update) Written, Created, NavMeshed, and Edited By:Rosco2070 Description: Rogue Bandit Graule has stolen Sigrid's Life Savings and must pay. The whole incident seems to be hush hush, but time will tell. It started as a simple robbery, but turned into fate. A curse has fallen upon the rogue bandit, and a series of unfortunate events will spiral enough drama to break even the most devout of tongues. Your journey starts at the local Blacksmith's table in Riverwood. And (around the corner), Sigrid left a gift to help in your journey. There you will find a clue that will lead you on a journey beyond expectations. This mod was made with Skyrim Update. These mods will keep you from seeing stray grass: Unofficial Skyrim Patch Unofficial Hearthfire Patch Unofficial DawnGuard Patch Unofficial Dragonborn Patch Unofficial Hi Resolution Patch Thanks to: ~Bethesda for giving us these awesome tools (along with this awesome virtual world) to spend our time with. ~Thanks to Bestinslot for his epic starter tutorials. ~Thanks Gopher, you tutorials also taught me quite a lot. ~And thanks to the countless artists who spent the time to make others happy. Speaking of which, I am looking for talent: Looking for people to help me improve my mods. Feel free to contact me with the position that you are interested in, and send me a demo of your work. Upcoming Changes to be considered: When I do find some folks to start helping me with this mod, there will be a quest line and more dialogue between Riverwood residents. I want to add additional triggers, and option to Sigrid's Dialogue. Maybe even Custom Graule voice over. That's just a few ideas to start. Bugs and/or Incompatibilities: -This Modification is not compatible with files that change White River Watch criteria. -Also, if you are a big lore freak, it may interfere with your ability to hear the comments made by the bandits, inside White River Watch. -The notes involve Hajvarr as an alias against Graule. He may (or may not) be at the spot located. -Navmesh is still down for the Tower by Graul's camp marker. (Will fix this in an upcoming release, but for now, you'll just have to solo it melee or hire a mage. ) Changes: v2.1 -Fixed campfire light source. -Deleted a trash static item, and replaced it with a tree. -Replaced a few navmesh near back of the camp.(Now followers have access to the back end of the camp.) -Added a sharpening wheel. v2.0 -Adjusted Watcher of Graule's Overpowered Bow Damage. (They hit more balanced.) -Fixed more misc navmeshes around the camp. -Fixed issue with Graule's Journal bleeding into the ground. (Now you can see the Journal as previously intended.) -Renamed the mod from Graule's Revenge (It's a Bandit Thing) to simply:Graule's Revenge. -Removed some useless camp static. -Added a Workbench. -Added a Tanning Rack. -Added a Alchemists platform. -Added an Enchanter's Table. -Adjusted some terrain to fit with the wall. -Adjusted some static to correct terrain heights. -Added Graule's Overseer. -Added an Addon that adds a deserted camp into the game. v1.4.3 -Fixed NavMesh. Mutated cub WILL NO LONGER run over random obstacles. -Adjusted faction on vanilla bandits. They will now attack properly. -Added an Anvil, Smelter, and Water trough to the camp. -Increased attack power on Graule's Watcher bow. They now hit harder. v1.4.2 -Fixed road leading to White River Watch -Deleted a few of Graule's Slaves and added a Graule's Watcher -NavMesh now works correctly. Edited a few triangles. Therefore, followers will follow. :) -Adjust health on Graule. he falls faster. -Adjusted health on Mutated Cub, he falls slower. -Gave Graule a new weapon to suit his character. -Graule's slaves now have a weapon. -Removed cooking spit, and added a new one on the fire. v1.4.1 -Added a ramp to Graule's Camp (aka White River Watch). -Added a few bushes, trees and static to the area. -Added a wall. -Made Mutated Cub larger. -Made Naymlia a solo npc, because the traited on the bandits. -Added Hajvarr's Second Journal. (Lore) -Added Sigrid's Gift Ring, Dagger, and a Note. -Created first set of NavMesh. -Added a spit fire cooking station. -Added a fire pit. -Edited Gerdur's Life Savings, now it is Sigrid's Life Savings. (I did this because it didn't make sense for Advar to be helping Gerdur, when it is supposed to be an internal affair.) -Added a barrel by Advar and Sigrid's Door. Some start stuff to help you on your journey. v1.4 -Added a Tent. -Added Graule's Remains. -Added Mutated Cub. -Added Graule's Journal. -Added new story line.