Adds crafting recipes for lockpicks using different metals. All recipes show up under the 'Miscellaneous' section at the forge. Iron ingot -> 1 lockpick Steel ingot -> 2 lockpicks Dwarven ingot -> 3 lockpicks Corundum ingot -> 3 lockpicks Moonstone ingot -> 4 lockpicks Orichalcum ingot -> 4 lockpicks Ebony ingot -> 5 lockpicks Malachite ingot -> 5 lockpicks There are two versions of this mod. One is for use with SkyRe, since SkyRe already has a steel ingot -> 2 lockpicks recipe. The other is for vanilla, and includes a recipe for steel ingots. Installation: Put the .esp in the data folder and activate it. You can do that with whatever program you want, including NMM or MO. I tested it with MO, but it should all work the same. Uninstallation: There should be no problems with uninstalling this mod. Compatibility: Definitely compatible with SkyRe as I had it installed during testing. This mod doesn't edit any vanilla recipes, modify scripts, perks, quests, or whatever. A mod that changes the smithing material perks substantially may break this mod, but I don't know of any that would. Legal: You may not sell this mod. Ever. Mods should be free. You may use this mod in your own work. However, anything based off this mod must also be free for download and available for others to modify. I make no guarantee this mod works at all. I am an idiot with a keyboard and the Creation Kit, so your game may never work right again after installing this mod.