Rorikstead Defended, Enhanced, with DKR Compatibility. This is a mod that patches hfreeman?s Rorikstead Expanded and makes it compatible with my DovKroniid Redoubt and Border Forts of Skyrim (DKR) Mod. It also could function as a stand-alone mod if that is desired. Walls are added to the town to make it protected from roving bandits and extra militia has been recruited from refugees and mercenaries. The defensive positions have been enhanced and rationalized to be more in keeping with the terrain and capabilities of the town. There is a market place near the southern entrance, and a Khajitii Caravan that camps outside the city. This Caravan will visit the Caravan Depot at Falkreath (from my DKR Mod) periodically to resupply. The exteriors and interiors of houses are all complete and enhancements have been made to the exteriors. None of the houses should be invisible anymore, and the possible player house has additional storage, crafting areas and beds enough for several companions. All town vendors should function properly now and NPC schedules have been reworked. The quest to obtain the player house is largely unchanged. This mod will likely be incompatible with all other mods that alter Rorikstead or add additional structures to the town. Issues: None yet reported. Recommended: Download and use TESVLODGen ? it will generate all the LOD files you need ? I have not added or generated them here. DovKroniid Redoubt and Border Forts of Skyrim is located on Nexus at: Original hfreeman mod: (patched and fixed here)