Name: Sigmond's Gregor Replacer Version: 1.0 Date: 6/11/2015 Category: NPCs Requirements: Player-Created MOD(s): ApachiiSkyHair -, Official Bethesda MOD(s): Hearthfires Author: Sigmond Droid Source: Description =========== Replaces the Hearthfire housecarl Gregor with female Gregoria. Install ======= 1. Install using NMM or Mod Organizer Manual Install ============== 1. Extract SigmondsGregorReplacer.esp and SigmondsGregorReplacer.bsa into your Skyrim data folder. 2. Enable mod in Skyrim launcher. Uninstall ========= 1. Uninstall using NMM or Mod Organizer Manual Uninstall ================ 1. Delete SigmondsGregorReplacer.esp and SigmondsGregorReplacer.bsa. Incompatibility =============== Most likely incompatible with any other mod that alters the Hearthfire housecarl Gregor. History ======= 1.0, 2015/06/11 - Initial release. Contact ======= You can PM me on the NEXUS. Credits ======= Migals Housecarl Beauties for the idea - Bethesda for Skyrim and the Creation Kit. Google and YouTube for countless tutorial resources and guides. Licensing/Legal =============== You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.