:: PINEGROVE LODGE :: Shiny new family house near Lost Knife Hideout :: REQUIREMENTS :: - Skyrim up to date - Update.esm - Hearthfires.esm :: FEATURES :: - Alchemy and enchanting in an inspiring study - Blacksmithing workstations - Farm animals - Secluded location - Extra room for 2 followers and storage - Tons of safe storage - Kitchen your mother would be jealous of - Harvestable tomato - GORGEOUS clutter and custom furniture - Lots of shiny new models/items from modder's resources - Outhouse ** For moving your family to the lodge you need Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29249 ** :: GENERAL OTHER STUFF :: WEAPON PLAQUES ARE STATIC ON PURPOSE. I hate how they glitch out and eat weapons. Use Jaxonz Positioner to add what you want on them. - Bed should gives well rest/family/spouse bonus - House is simple on purpose. It's not a museum or a mansion for a great hero. It's a basic house for a simple family (Originally made for a retired smith and his scholar / alchemist wife) - Cleaned and polished with TES5edit :: CREDITS :: Old map: http://alegion-stock.deviantart.com/art/old-map-92900729 Photoshop rune brushes: Obsidian Dawn - http://www.obsidiandawn.com/ Nirn map: PROMETHEUS_ts Baby dragon pngs: Elevit stock http://elevit-stock.deviantart.com/art/E-S-Baby-Dragon-146831669 Betterbecause: Art supplies Berticus: Potion meshes Beyond Skyrim / mrsiika: Windows Blary: alchemy and other clutter Brettm: FPI Experiment Pack 1 meshes Darkfox127: Resource pack Elinen / Percevan: Foundation mesh FadingSignal: Wall shelf flintone/Garnet: Wicker set, orient set, bunny toys InsanitySorrow: Clutter, armour stands, blankets, pillows, towels, furniture, textures jets4571: Building Kits and other items: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58262/ Jokerine: Planters, clutter and decor items Leianne: Tomato plant, Rocking horse, other clutter and decor Lilith: Ready Clutter resource lolikuonyu: Lolicept resources mrpdean: Lakeview Manor Evolution meshes Nostromo79: Candleholders and "bowl" Oaristys: Modder's Resource Pack + Witcher items Rusnpect: Resources for modders pack RefurbMadness: Refurb's Resources pack Stroti (and Tamira): Stroti's modders resources Tamira: Plants & teddy bears (Original model of the teddy: Abitor (http://thefree3dmodels.com/stuff/accessories/toon_teddy_bear/21-1-0-2215) The_Funktasm: Morrowind clutter and textures tueffelachtein: Smoked ham, tanning rack DanielCoffey: dragonparchment PSD eraitico: Apple texture Langley: Langley's texture workshop textures Brumbek: SMIM tomato texture