Description: - - - - - - - - Latest version: 1.0 After a long while of inactivity I decided to make a new rapier that became a remake of my earlier mod Lilith's thorn. This mod adds a rapier sword into the game and 3 variations made out of the main sword that can be crafted at any forge with deadric smithing perk. The weapons are meant for end game like all my other weapon mods and they should be balanced as well. The weapon damage on the swords is lower than on daedric weapons but their speed and critical damage are higher. All the weapons can be upgraded to "awakened" form that gives them glow and darker textures. The awakened weapons have slightly higher damage (+1 base damage). All weapons in this mod have a sheath / scabbard made for them. (this description has been partly copy pasted from the thorn's description, but it should be accurate) Weapons: Lilith's Lacerator: Main design. Lilith's Lacerator (alt): version of the main one with "smaller" or simpler handguard. See the pictures. Lilith's Lacerator (2h): Basically a 2-handed version of the alternate version (alt). Stats (2h): base damage 23 (24 on daedric greatsword), speed 1.0 Stats (1h): base damage 13 (14 on daedric greatsword), speed 1.3 Crafting requirements(2hs): Daedric smithing, 5 void salts, 8 ebony ingots, 5 daedra hearts Crafting requirements(1hs): Daedric smithing, 3 void salts, 6 ebony ingots, 4 daedra hearts 1: type "help lacerator" into the console 2: it gives you the IDs. I guess you did this since you found the IDs 3. type "player.additem *id* *amount* " without the * and " example: player.additem 0a000b52 1 Installation: - - - - - - 1. Dump the bsa-file and the esp-file inside the data folder into the skyrim's data folder. / or use the mod manager. it should work. 2. check the .esp file and you're ready to go Uninstallation: - - - - - - - - - Just remove the files you added.