Hypothermia Plus - Addon for n1t0r's Hypothermia 1.5 by Granson I. Features: 1. Written Hypothermia Guide - Hypothermia Survival Guide as pdf. Facts. Formulas. Almost everything you ever wanted to know about Hypothermia and nobody told you! 2. In-game notifications: - Implemented saturation info. You get notifications about your char's saturation ("I feel completely dry / damp / wet / dripping wet / totally soaked") depending on your char being saturated by up to 25%/50%/75%/100%. No more checking the spell effects tab multiple times. - Implemented temperature info. Every time your real feel temperature (ambient temperature, not body temperature) has changed by at least 2 degrees Celsius, you get a notification ("Feels really hot / nice and warm / almost warm / fresh / quite cool / cold / frosty / icy cold here") depending on real feel temperature being over 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0 / -5 / -10(or less) degrees Celsius. By design this does not consider fire's warmth, warming drinks, meals and such. You are provided with information you need and don't get from anywhere else. You will still have to decide for yourself whether you should look for shelter / make a fire / build a tent etc. - Implemented Hypothermia notification. Finally, you will get informed, when (mild) Hypothermia begins and when you are ok again. No info for moderate and severe hypothermia, however, since both of them show obvious symptoms. 3. Compatibility-Patches - Implemented Real Shelter functionality for rain, snow and wind. Improved shelter detection. When entering a shelter, you won't get wet any more. Beside that windchill-based drop of temperature is reduced when standing under a shelter. - Implemented fires and tents support for Chesko's Campfire - Complete Camping System. Crackling and roaring campfires give the fire's warmth buff. If you already use my patch for Hypothermia and Campfire, you won't need that one any more. Just deinstall. Campfire's tents supported! Leather tents 100% waterproof! Fur tents lower wet rate and add great amount of insulation. - Implemented standard windchill formula as used in Canada, U.S. and U.K. New formula considers temperature besides wind-speed: When it is warm, you won't notice windchill very much at all, but the colder it gets, the more noticable windchill will become. 4. Bug Fixes: - Fixed major bug in the original mod ver. 1.5. Some of the ambient temperature calculations were skipped. Temperatures must have been way too high especially in cold and northern regions. Whoever changed Hypothermia's default settings, because everything seemed way too easy, might reconsider using defaults. - Changed environmental lapse rate (ELR) from 28 C / 1,000m down to 20 C / 1,000m. On earth it's 6.49 C /1,000m. You'll find further info in the Hypothermia Guide. - Changed effects of temperature buff on pleasant days (+5 C by default). Buff is canceled out from 19.00 until 8.00, reduced by 2/3 from 8.00 till 10.00, and reduced by half from 17.00 until 19.00. I put that in the bugfix section. Nights with clear skies are not warmer than overcast nights. They tend to be cooler. - Fixed minor bug in the original mod. Air temperature buff in some areas of Eastmarch (hot springs) was not applied due to erratic coordinates. - Removed code added to Hypothermia Script by Bystander's Hypothermia Patch 1.5. Some original code was faulty and Bystander's Patch actually fixed that, but neither the original nor the patched code was used in the script - Fixed minor bug in the original mod. Water temperature buff in some areas of Eastmarch was not applied due to wrong coordinates. - Fixed potential issues in the original mod. Added a check for worldspace in the water temperature buff section of Hypothermia script. II. Required Files: - Hypothermia and everything Hypothermia requires :) III. How to install: 1. Check whether you have "Hypothermia - Patch for Campfire Complete Camping System" in your loadorder. If yes, deinstall. 2. Decompress the scripts folder (the complete folder, not just its content) into Skyrim's Data folder overwriting anything. Or let NMM do that for you. 3. Should work out of the box, though starting a new game or loading a "clean save" is recommended as usual. 4. Should you later decide to deinstall/install RealShelter and/or Campfire, sleep for exactly 6 hours. This will invoke auto-detection again. IV. Credits n1tor for Hypothermia 1.5 Chesko for Campfire - Complete Camping System Robinsage and ThreeTen for RealShelter Bystander (without his patch I would not have installed Hypothermia)