Description: This mod adds a heavy shield and its variations into the game which are balanced for endgame. Since this mod was made with different tools than before it differs quite a lot from the older mods in the Lilith's tools series. Variations: Like most of the mods in the series the shield can be upgraded into its awakened version which has darker textures and a gem in the middle. In addition to this the mod has 2 base versions for the shield. Liliths Eye of Chaos: The basic version. It's seriously a big one. Liliths Eye of Chaos (m): A medium sized version which is thinner and smaller. I recommend this one unless you want the big one. Stats: The shield is 2 points above daedric shield raising its defence to 38. Upgrading the shield to its awakened version the defence gets a 1 point buff. The shields are classified as "heavy armor". Crafting: Crafting the shield requires Daedric smithing and 2 void salts, 4 daedra hearts and 6 ebony ingots and it can be crafted at any forge. Console: 1: type help chaos into the console 2: it gives you the IDs. 3. type "player.additem *id* *amount* " without the * and " example: player.additem 0a000b52 1 Installation: - - - - - - 1. Dump the bsa-file and the esp-file inside the data folder into the skyrim's data folder. / or use the mod manager. it should work. 2. check the .esp file and you're ready to go Uninstallation: - - - - - - - - - Just remove the files you added.