This is the release of Realswords Imperial + Realswords Nord + anything else I've been working on for the last 4 years. This is more of a test more than anything else. A lot of the content isnt connected, and this is mostly to just make sure that the content that is there, is working correctly for people without crashes. Also, to kind of archive my work. The esp will be getting periodic updates as I gradually inject things into the world. But for now I just want people to test what's there. This is basically the developer version so there are bound to be a lot of things that you may find...odd. Not all of those things will stay. I dont recommend using this esp on your good saves at all. Or at least not saving the changes. All weapons can be found in in game leveled lists and (ideally) on npcs, but all can be purchased at the Solitude Blacksmith for the imperial weapons, and at the Windhelm Blacksmith for the Nord weapons. Residual weapons are still at Adrienne Avennichi and Eorlund Gray mane in Whiterun, but that's just temporary. They will be located in Solitude and Windhelm in the future to match up with the War effort and in game story. Enjoy and please do give feedback. - ShinGouki