HENDIL'S DESC: Add a Altmer Thalmor Follower to Whiterun Talos Shrine ; Hendil. HENDIL'S LOCATIONS: Temple of Kynareth, Whiterun Talos Shrine, Heimskr House. HENDIL'S INFOS: Altmer, Thalmor, Follower, Unique, Essential, Flames, Fury, Healing, Lvl with the player, To lvl 4 to 81, No perk added, No custom voiced. AUTHOR'S NOTES: The hood on the screenshot come from Impoverished Rogue - outfits for Bards and Mages by Tinuvia's mod and are not included! It's just to promote this so amazing mod! Give it a try! Screenshots are welcome! DLC & REQUIREMENT: Nothing. CREDITS & LIST OF MODS USED IN THE SCREENSHOTS: Thalmor Influence - No shrine of Talos in Whiterun by gtantsa Morrowind Overhaul by adidertulpendieb Height Adjusted Races with True Giants by EvilDeadAsh34 (FILES - MAIN FILES - Height Adjusted Races - Morrowind Lore Heights) Impoverished Rogue - outfits for Bards and Mages by Tinuvia Nikkinoodles and Caliente Give it a try! Thx! Setvi