Skyrim Alchemy Helper Yet another alchemy calculator? Yes, but this one uses the ingredients in all your mods, and reads your save to see what you have in your inventory! ================================================================ Features: ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Will detect your Skyrim installation - Can parse your mods list and extract ingredients and magical effects - Can extract the names from compressed BSA files, in many languages - Supports ModOrganizer (without having to run it, it is faster this way) - Reads game saves, extract known ingredient effects - Tries to find ingredients in all containers - Reparse the mods to get the containers names and location of containers - Filter containers in the same cell as the player, or other parameters - Really fast potions list - Simple filters by ingredients, effects, purity, etc. - Tool for the best potions to discover every effect ================================================================ Long description: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Why another alchemy tool ? I have used for a long time two well made tools: Skyrim Alchemy Profitability Calculator ( Skyrim Alchemy Recipes Finder ( The problem comes when you use mods that add a lot of ingredients or modify the existing ones (modify the effects of some ingredients, change the values). These tools only support the official extensions, and that is quite normal. Another limitation is that you have to enter manually which ingredients you can actually use in your potions. That becomes a burden as soon as you have a few dozens of ingredients. My main use of the alchemy calculators is to discover the effects of all my ingredients. For a new character, it takes me a few hours at least. I wanted to simplify this work, and for that I built a new tool that you run on your computer. You can use it out of the box if you only have the official extensions, or you can ask it to parse your mods. It will then extract all ingredients, their name, effects and values. It can also read your game save, and it tries to find where you have put all your ingredients. It then makes a list of them, and you can filter the potions for those that you can actually make. One last feature and the one I prefer, is the Discover Effects calculator. It will propose a list of potions to discover all the ingredients effects you currently do not know. ================================================================ Usage: ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Unzip the archive in a writable directory. - Run "SkyrimAlchemyHelper.exe". - On the first run, it will try to auto detect your Skyrim installation. - If any path is not automatically found, see below for the necessary parameters. - Click "Parse mods" in the "Config" dialog to extraction ingredients information from your mods. - Close the "Config" dialog, and open "Edit/Game save". Verify that your ingredients have been found. - The main window should be self-explanatory. - Do not forget to try "Tools/Discover effects"! ================================================================ Configuration & parameters: ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Configuration dialog - Skyrim Data folder: where skyrim.esp is located. ([program files]/steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim/Data) - Plugins list file: the file containing the mods list. ([user]/AppData/Local/Skyrim/plugins.txt) - Saves folder: where all game saves are located. ([user]/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Saves) - Use Mod Organizer: check only if you currently use it to run Skyrim. - Mod Organizer: path to the executable. ([program files]/Mod Organizer/ModOrganizer.exe) - Parse mods: extract ingredients information from the mods. THe configuration must be valid for this to work. - Auto configuration: try to find all paths automatically. Click it if you change the "Use Mod Organizer" checkbox. * Save dialog - Parse settings: I use some sort of brute force algorithm to find ingredients in the game save. The parameters in this group are to give more correct results. - Filter containers: after a save has been loaded, filter the containers that contains the player's ingredients from the ones of NPCs. Try these parameters, and go in the "Containers" tab to verify or manually select. ================================================================ Source code: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Public under GPL license at: