******************************************* * Lethal Vampire Feeding by Puff The Magic Dragon * ******************************************* =========== Description =========== Feeding on the same victim several times in quick succession will kill them. ============ More Details ============ I was a little disappointed when I discovered that, as a vampire, you could feed on the same person over and over and over again. It seems to me that eventually a person's got to run out of blood. I was even more disappointed to find that no other mods addressed this specifically. This mod changes that, so now if you feed on a person 3 times in a row within a short period of time, they will die. Small, simple, hopefully bug free! For those who want the technical details... When you feed on a person, a script starts a 15 second timer (real world time). If you feed on the same victim again before the timer expires, the timer is reset back to 15 seconds. If you feed on them a third time before the second timer expires, they die. When the timer expires, everything gets reset. 15 seconds of real time equates to roughly 5 minutes of game time, so killing a person this way takes about 15 minutes of game time. ============ Requirements ============ Skyrim v1.9.32 Dawnguard ============ Installation ============ Recommended NMM: Click and run! Manual: Extract the files directly into your \Data folder. Activate the mod in your Skyrim Launcher ======= Removal ======= Reverse of installation. ============= Compatibility ============= I did have to edit one vanilla resource, the script that runs on the feeding perk. This means that any mods that edit that perk may be incompatible. This could include any vampire overhaul mods. I do not intend on supporting this mod beyond initial launch. If you notice any incompatibilities with vampire overhaul mods, I recommend you talk to that mod's author about integrating this idea into their mod. ============ Known Issues ============ None so far. =============== Version History =============== Version 1.0 - The Kiss of Death! ========== To-Do List* ========== This mod is intended to be super small and simple. I think it'd be cool if it included an MCM for adjusting the timer duration, but it'd take me 10x as long to create the menu as it did for me to make the mod. I've also thought about changing it from a simple 3 count to a health drain. This would make higher level NPCs harder to kill by feeding on them, but lower level NPCs could die in one bite. If someone else wants to pick up this to-do list, by all means, be my guest. Just talk to me first. =============== Credits goes to: =============== Many thanks to Bethesda for making such an awesome game and for making the construction set that lets people like me with way too much free time modify the game. Thanks to God for creating us all!