README - BLOOD OF THE NORD -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- WELCOME TO THE MYSTICAL AND OFT-UNSEEN WORLD OF README'S! ------------------------- FAQ's Q: What does this mod do? A: It provides a reasonable outlet for the chattering ninnies in my brain. Q: Wait, what kind of answer is that? I just want to download a quest mod. A: No, it's not that simple. This is more than a mod - this is a life-altering experience. Q: Will Blood of the Nord help alleviate my debt and/or provide a heightened sense of purpose? A: Possibly. Early studies link Blood of the Nord to an increase in Nord-oriented behavior, including drinking, fighting, and verbally accosting lactophiles. Q: Will Blood of the Nord help me in the gym? A: Without question. Test subjects exhibited a 50% increase in muscle mass, and set new PR's in the deadlift after their playthrough. Visualizing the murder of Thalmor is associated with maximal gains. Q: Do I get to kill Thalmor? A: Yes, lots of them. Q: There is vanilla "Lots" and Someguy "Lots". Which one are we talking about? A: It's closer to the former in this installment. Q: I demand an equivalent questline for the Empire. It's unreasonable to force players to side with Ulfric just to access your content. This is a travesty! A: This was always written from a Stormcloak perspective. It is certainly not a rosy take on their victory - far from it. However, I'm just not interested in making an Empire-oriented questline at the present. Q: What kind of stimulating shenanigans can we expect this time? More profane snark from irreverent cowboys? Or have you branched out to peevish urbanites? Oh, I can't wait to see the wondrous variety of characterization provided by Someguy. A: Uninstall and un-endorse. Q: No, it's far to early to use that tactic. You can't just throw that around like it's the fifth amendment. A: Uninstall and un-endorse. Q: You're out of control. No tact. No sense of responsibility. No outreach to the community. You'e a menace to the Nexus. A: Uninstall and un-endorse. Q: You will answer for this. Eve always said you were a rogue modder, always content to tinker away in solitude like some deranged bomber. Too good to join a modding team? Won't deign to answer my pleas for technical assistance, hmm? Well, the modding gods frown on those who spurn the community. Introvert, hah! You're an... asstrovert! A: Uninstall and un-endorse. Q: So, are you going to provide any information that is even remotely germane to the mod? A: Absolutely. It's a mid-sized quest mod that takes a few hours to play. Q: That is so underwhelming that I'm poised to vomit. I'm better off with ass-fondling tentacle mods right now. SELL ME! A: BLOOD OF THE NORD will utterly transform your playthrough. You will experience hate, love, and fear! You will revel in the indescribable excitement of... post-war... misery? Q: YOU CALL YOURSELF A MODDER?! SELL ME, NOW! A: BLOOD OF THE NORD IS A DLC-SIZE, PROFESSIONAL-LEVEL, TEAM-MADE, GRAPHIC-LADEN, ULTRA-HYPHENATED, ALL-CONQUERING MOD THAT WILL FOREVER CHANGE YOUR PLAYTHROUGH, AS WELL AS YOUR LIFE. AND IT HAS TITTIES. YES, TITTIES IN EVERY QUEST. REVISED TITLE IS NOW "TITTIES OF THE NORD"! Q: Better. Needs more soothing promotional images, though. Preferably with titties. A: Uninstall and un-endorse.