In v2.1 the Debug option was added into the MCM that allows to modify or completely disable various mod's features normally not accessible via MCM or console commands. Keep in mind it's designed for testing, and enabling/disabling some options is not recommended in your regular gameplay. List of commands: List - prints all debug commands in console Reset - equal to the "Refund attribute points" option, but w/o conditions Adv,Skill,Value - increases a skill, triggering level up notification, optionally by specified amount (accepted values are 0-9). Example: adv,smithing,5. EPEvent,String,Value - triggers an in-game notification and adds specified amount of attribute points, displaying String + n attribute points awarded. Example: EPEvent,Main quest completed, 1 Update - not usable Debug - not usable Madness - all enchanted items will be legendary NoRegen - toggles regeneration per second NoMats - toggles consuming of Augmentation Gems/Crystals/Stones when augmenting an item NoEnch - toggles items enchanting NoTemper - toggles items tempering Newday - resets the "augmentations made today" counter Uninstall - prepares this mod for uninstallation Set,PPL,Value - set the amount of attribute points awarded on level up (0-9) Inc,String,Value - increases the specified attribute by specified amount (0-9). Attributes are: Str,End,Agi,Dex,Int,Wis,Per,All. Example: inc,wis,5 Dec,String,Value - decreases the specified attribute by specified amount (0-9). Example: dec,wis,5