Please download Terrible Textures for Weak Computers first. Do you like the style of "JOURNEY"? Or "Firewatch"? Or "Hardland"? Or "The Witness" Or "Zelda"? Do you want to play the "Skyrim" looks like these beautiful indie-games? Do you want to run beautiful Skyrim on your low-spec PC? Well then, try THIS!! This ENB was made for the Terrible Textures for Weak Computers by gutlessVADER. With the Terrible Textures for Weak Computers (and other great mods), this ENB turn the Skyrim's realistic graphics into toon like fantasy graphics. Also this ENB is performance friendly. Even lower PC can run this TISENB. Required MOD Terrible Textures for Weak Computers by gutlessVADER (IMPORTANT) Shadows by HHaleyy (This ENB was adjusted for Shadows.) No More Blinding Fog by WankingSkeever (Without this MOD some areas will be too bright.) Remove Interior Fog V2 by rgabriel15B (Without this MOD, interiors will be too bright.). Installation 0.Install the Terrible Textures for Weak Computers by gutlessVADER. 1.Copy the d3d9.dll file of ENB v0.113(wow! You can get this from here.) to your Skyrim folder. 2.Copy and paste to your Skyrim folder with all the files in a Toon Indie Skyrim ENB for Weak Computer folder. 3.Edit your Skyrimprefs.ini like this: FloatPointRenderTarget=1 4: If your PC is powerful enough, edit your skyrimprefs.ini and set the following value make more beautiful result: bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bShadowsOnGrass=1 Uninstallation Just delete any files from Toon Indie Skyrim for Weak Computer and d3d9.dll file. Notion Core settings of this ENB is [BLOOM] part and [ENVIRONMENT] part. Intense Bloom, intense Ambient Lighting, no Specular, dense Fog and intense Fog Curve. So if you want to use the more recent versions of ENB(that require the more high-spec pc but can use the more precise and beautiful settings.), applying those concepts make good result. Thanks This ENB was inspired by Reddit thread. This ENB was based on PerformanceXP ENB by Nikita. This ENB didn't work without Terrible Textures for Weak Computers. Terrible Textures is not actually terrible. It's great. And thank you to visiting this MOD and Enduring my awful english. Hehe.