Version 1604 Better Shrine Blessings Requirements: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Short: I found the shrine blessings to be too weak and short in duration to be bothered with. I have made each shrine's effects last for 7 days and enhanced their effects to suit my taste without overpowering them using inspiration from Oblivion and Daggerfall. Description: Enchances the effects of the shrines of the nine divines and the shrine of Nocturnal. Each blessing now lasts for 168 hours/7 days, and the effects have been enchanced to the following in game descriptions: Blessing of Akatosh You walk and run 10% faster. Magicka regenerates 25% faster. Blessing of Arkay Increases your health by 25 points. Your health regenerates 25% faster. Blessing of Dibella +25 Speechcraft Blessing of Julianos Increases your Magicka by 25 points. Magicka regenerates 25% faster. Blessing of Kynareth Increases your stamina by 25 points. Bows do 10% more damage. 10% less stagger. Blessing of Mara Healing spells cost 10% less and heal 25% more. Magicka regenerates 25% faster. Blessing of Nocturnal You are 10% harder to detect. Picking locks is 10% easier. Blessing of Stendarr Block 10% more damage with your shield. Health and Stamina regenerate 10% faster. Blessing of Talos Time between shouts is reduced 20%. Increases your stamina by 25 points and your carry weight by 50. Blessing of Zenithar Prices are 10% better. All skills improve 10% faster. Note: There are no scripts in this mod. It is very minimal and only edits what needs to be. No third party programs are required. Will not work with other mods that edit blessings. All effects tested and verified except nocturnal, but I'm 99.9% sure it is fine. DLC shrines are unaffected, and I probably won't be adding a DLC-inclusive version in the future. Installation: I use NMM. I am not an expert at load order. All I know is that you want this after the unofficial patch (if you use it). Enjoy!