Introduction I was actually playing with Zinni's Food Overhaul, that has a similar approach, but there were lots of minor bonuses in every food, at least 3 effects in every food with some of them ranging from 4 to 6 effects. Other than some groups of food having mostly some type of health/stamin/magic bonus, everything else was pretty dispersed. Each food had a different value for the bonus, with different time durations, you could stack bonuses, but alchemy pots could clear related bonuses. I wanted a more simple and consistent solution to the food so I did it myself. What's that about WoW-like food? Pretty simple: Food that gives a persistent bonus for a prolonged time. Anyone who played World of Warcraft knows food there works as a long-time bonus, you make your meal and get some bonuses for 30m or 1h. Bonuses from food are not game-changing for sure. There's was a secondary function of actualy healing/replenishing your resource pool, but with all classes that can heal on their own and the big regen abilities you usually get.. But that's a completely different story. Here are the food bonuses characteristics: - All raw food has 180 seconds duration in every effect, all cooked meals have 900 seconds duration in every effect. - Most foods have two effects, three if the meal has an elaborated recipe with at least 4 ingredients, or is just rare to obtain. - Most raw meat has a side negative effect to discourage eating it. - All bonuses have one to a maximum of three different values, any bonus of the same type will override the previous if it's stronger, and potions doesn't affect food bonuses in any way (act as separate bonuses). - You can find nearly every bonus type is in at least 2 different cooked foods. - Nearly all food have one of their effect related to stamina/health/magicka. All the possible type of bonuses (for cooked meals) are: - 10/15/20 Extra stamina/health/magicka points. - 2/3 stamina/health/magicka point regeneration per second. - 10/20% Elemental resistance, 10/15% All magic resistance. - 20% Disease Resistance, 30% poison resistance. - 10% boost in two/one handed, bows, unharmed, armors or block. - 10% boost in pickpocket, stealth, picklock - 10% boost in destruction/restauration/illusion spell power. - 15% for alteration/conjuration spell length. - 15 points of extra carry weight. Also you have per type of food: - Cheese types give extra points for stamina/health/magicka pools. - Breads give regeneration points for stamina/health/magicka. - Sweet stuff mainly gives magicka related bonuses and magic resistances. - Vegetarian meals and hopper meals mainly add stamina related and stealth skill bonuses. - Minor meat (poultry, fish) mainly give health and magic school boost related bonuses. - Major meat (venison, wildboar, horse) give health and combat skills related bonuses. - Elaborated stews have a mix of combat/magic resistances/health bonuses. Conclusion And that's about it! Food finds a sweet spot as 'nice to have' that doesn't rival with potions and enchantments, in the form of persistent prolongued effects with little game impact. The 'food game' remains as simple as buying salt and raw food from time to time, and eat a few meals every 15 minutes when you are in dungeons or the open world.