-What is it about ?- High level ores & ingots (from orichalcum to ebony), will appear less frequently in blacksmith trading list. Some blacksmiths have more of a given metal, notably when they're near mines with that metal. -How do I install ?- Use NMM, or copy and paste to the data folder. -What's incompatible?- I don't know any incompatible mod so far, but anything that alters the merchants leveled lists may conflict. Please report incompatibilities , I'll make compatible versions if I have the time. -What's required?- Last version of Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn. It was made to be balanced with morrowloot or any other mod that removes high level equipment from blacksmiths, but it works on its own too. May be less useful then, since you'll be able to buy high level equipment anyway.