Dragonbone Mastery - Weapons Retexture ====================================== Manual installation instructions 1. Install the files from 00 Main Normals. 2. Pick between the two main file options: -- 00 Main Darker contains bone textures that are as dark as the official ones -- 00 Main Lighter contains cleaner and lighter textures 3. Chose either 02 New Arrow or 02 Vanilla Arrow: -- 02 New Arrow comes with mesh replacements for the quiver and arrow and compatible textures. -- 02 Vanilla arrow only comes with textures. Please note on the mod description which alternative mesh replacers the vanilla arrow textures are compatible with. 4. Pick your scabbard textures: -- 03 Full Scabbard 1 contains the traditional design similar to vanilla -- 03 Full Scabbard 2 contains the Bold design which is just a single strip of bone -- 03 Short Scabbard 1 contains the Plain Short design with only metal and leather -- 03 Short Scabbard 2 contains the design using the teeth from the vanilla scabbard 5. Pick your mesh replacer: -- 04 Fixed Meshes - for Opaque Full Scabbard if you want the fixes to the metal, but opqaue scabbard -- 04 Optional - Transparent Meshes for Full Scabbard if you want a see through scabbard WITH the fixes -- 04 Required For Short Scabbard - Transparent Meshes includes transparency, but further edits to the dagger to make the dagger sheath compatible with the shorter textures for the short scabbard. -- You may chose to not install any if you are using the full scabbard, and then no fixes will be applied.