East Empire Warehouse Internal Docks, hidden under bridge. POIPineForest17, under a bridge fairly close to the exit of the Chargen cave, Chargen as in the Character Creation area at Helgen. WindHelmBridge, hidden inside the bridge connecting to Windhelm. HHpathShrine, near the steps where the Greybeards live. DeadMensRespite01 inside of a draugr crypt called Dead Mens Respite. WinderholdCollegeExterior= the exterior of Winterhold College, the same platform all the doors connect to. Saarthal02 Inside another draugr crypt. WinderholdCollegeMidden- in the hidden midden underneath Winterhold College. ForsakenCave01- Inside yet another draugr crypt. SilverdriftLair01-In yet another draugr crypt. Volunruud01- yep yet another one in a draugr crypt. MarkarthUnderStoneKeep- near the place leading to the door to the Dwemer ruins, hidden behind a stairway. RiftenRatway01 Hidden inside the sewers underneath Riften. Angarvunde01- Inside a draugr crupt. WhiterunDragonsreachBasement- hidden in the sewers beneath the Whiterun City cell. AnisesCabin01- hidden in a room under a trapdoor which is beneath a shack fairly close to Riverwood. Brinehammer01- Aboard the interior of a sunken ship near Dawnstar. Dragonborn Tel Mithryn Tower upper level of big mushroom house Dawnguard- You'll find it if you do the DLC MQ that is all.