============================================================== Go On Ahead ----------- Download: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76675/ Author: NorthHare Last updated: 22/07/2016 ============================================================== 01 Description 02 Requirements 03 Compatibility 04 Known Issues 05 Versions 06 Credits and Thanks 07 Permissions ---------------- 01 Description ---------------- Sometimes followers get under your feet, but you don't just want to leave them waiting in the middle of nowhere or send them back home. Go On Ahead lets you send your follower(s) to the cities and major towns of Skyrim where they can wait for you in the local tavern and relax until you pick them up. A line of dialogue ("Wait for me in...") is added to Skyrim and DLC followers. You can then choose from a selection of cities and towns for them to wait in, including those that you haven't yet discovered. Your follower will then travel to the location via the roads. Up to 5 followers can be sent to wait at any one time, at the same or different locations. If you use MCM, there's a menu that lists all followers that are currently at or travelling to a tavern, with details of the location that you sent them to and whether they've arrived or are still on their way there, plus the following settings: - Show mod dialogue: It can be toggled on or off whenever you like (in case you've already got a whole clutter of options) and it won't affect the mod in any other way. - Show arrival notifications: Does exactly what it sound like. - Follower travel speed: Sets the speed at which your follower travels to their destination. Options are Fast Walk, Jog or Run. - Collection method: How to resume normal follower behaviour (i.e. how to get them to follow you again). 'Automatic' means that followers will notice your presence when you're both in the tavern that you sent them to and automatically resume following you. For 'Activation', you'll need to directly activate your follower (some follower mods may prevent this option from working). The settings can alternatively be changed using the console: - Show mod dialogue: Set nh_GOA_ShowDialogue to 1 - Hide mod dialogue: Set nh_GOA_ShowDialogue to 0 - Show arrival notifications: Set nh_GOA_ShowArrivalNotifications to 1 - Hide arrival notifications: Set nh_GOA_ShowArrivalNotifications to 0 - Followers walk: Set nh_GOA_TravelSpeed to 0 - Followers jog: Set nh_GOA_TravelSpeed to 1 - Followers run: Set nh_GOA_TravelSpeed to 2 - Activate collection method: Set nh_GOA_CollectMethod to 0 - Auto collection method: Set nh_GOA_CollectMethod to 2 - Both collection methods: Set nh_GOA_CollectMethod to 1 ----------------- 02 Requirements ----------------- Just Skyrim. ------------------ 03 Compatibility ------------------ - Totally compatible with the vanilla follower system. This mod won't override the one-follower-at-a-time setting. - Extensible Follower Framework [http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933/] - Tested and compatible. - Amazing Follower Tweaks [http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/] - Reported compatible. - Ultimate Follower Overhaul [http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14037/] - Reported compatible. - Followers with custom voicetypes won't have the new dialogue, but custom followers that use a non-unique vanilla voicetype should. This doesn't include children; you can't send unaccompanied children across Skyrim, you monster! Load order shouldn't matter even if you use follower overhaul mods. ----------------- 04 Known Issues ----------------- - If you're using Convenient Horses [http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14950/] with followers set to mount their horses when you mount yours, they may run back to their horse when you mount if they didn't ride it to their wait location. They'll then head back to the tavern they're supposed to wait at. ------------- 05 Versions ------------- 1.0.0 - Initial release. 1.1.0 - Riften added as a destination. - Essential flag override removed from travelling followers. Followers will keep whatever mortality status they already have. - Optional notification when followers arrive at their destination. - MCM speed selection for follower journey: Fast Walk|Jog|Run. - Because of issues with some follower mods blocking normal activation events, followers can now automatially resume following when the player joins them in the wait destination. The activation option is also still available. One or both methods can be selected in the MCM. - Serana didn't have the wait dialogue in version 1.0.0 because she doesn't use the vanilla follower faction. I've added another option to the dialogue conditions that should include Serana. 1.1.2 - Unintentional Jenassa edit removed. ----------------------- 06 Credits and Thanks ----------------------- - Thanks to Bethesda for the awesome game and the Creation Kit. ---------------- 07 Permissions ---------------- Do whatever you want as long as it's non-commercial. A credit and link to the original mod would be appreciated.