"Midnight Purr" is a relatively simple mod that adds a pretty good looking home with a plethora of displays near Windhelm stables. It also adds five essential NPCs: a bard for the house, a Nightingale housecarl that guards it, a khajit merchant couple with plenty of money to buy your crap, and a seemingly random two-handed, marriable follower in Riverwood. I've never modded anything in any game before, and this started out as a personal learning venture that I intended to share only with myself and my beloved. It therefore reflects most of what I like: displays, dwemer items, crafting, the Nightingales, the Stormcloaks, etc. The books were a late addition, and anything that says "by greyscalemoon" was written entirely by myself in about five minutes of time each. You shouldn't take them seriously. Notable features of this POH mod: A Nightinggale housecarl with an AI package set up to patrol the house for most of the day. A Khajit who sells smithing wares and has plenty of money for you to sell crap to her. A khajit who sells mostly wooden wares, has plenty of money for you to sell crap to him, and spends most of his package outside (an extra layer of security, perhaps). A sexy bard. A lovely cat warrior in Riverwood who uses shouts. Some new books. 33 total planter soils in the house, therefore letting you plant at least one of each plantable-ingredient (there are 32 in the game). A fish hatchery, grain mill, and apiary nearby. 12 total mannequins, most of which are action-figure sized. A boatload of weapon plaques/display cases. It IS compatible with hearthfire multiple adoption mods, but it is currently only set up to house two children. If you liked this mod at all, or if you would like to take a second just to comment on it, or even liked it insofar as you'd like to comment on what you wish to see next, please leave a comment or an endorsement! Again, I only intended this for personal venture, so the idea that any random person would enjoy it enough to say something would be awesome to me. Also, total credit to Breezehome - Fully Upgradable regarding the bath. I did not copy/paste it, but absolutely used it as a reference and tried my best to replicate it. With that same inspiration, I hope to add some auto-storage containers to this mod in a couple of months, but this turned into a far bigger project than I expected, so that'll wait! July 10 2016 greyscalemoon iloathenexusmods Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249/? Breezehome Fully Upgradable - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11158/?