Enderal - Armor Addon Patcher by MongoMonk Version: 1.1 Released: 14.11.2016 Last Update: 07.02.2021 Site: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/80229 - Readme Contents - - 1. Description - 2. Requirements - 3. Compatibility - 4. Future Plans - 5. Installation - 6. Uninstallation - 7. Updates/Upgrading - 8. Known Issues - 9. Version History - 10. Tools Used - 11. Permissions - 12. Disclaimer (you may Ctrl+f for any topic) - 1. Description - This patcher for Enderal will add the two races Half Arazealean (FormID: 033899) and Half Qyranian (FormID: 033898) to mod added armor addons. Without doing this custom armor from Skyrim is invisible when equipped for these two races. To obtain the armor ingame you still either need the console or a mod like AddItemMenu (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64905/). Please note that you should rerun the patcher if you remove/add any custom armors to Enderal. The patcher does the same thing as "Making Armor and Body Replacers work for Enderal" (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79359/) but in automated fashion. There are two versions of the patcher: 1.0 for the legacy mod version of Enderal and 1.1 for the standalone Steam release (aka Forgotten Stories). As of 07.02.2021 there is also a version 1.1 compatible with Enderal SE: https://www.nexusmods.com/enderal/mods/239. - 2. Requirements - Java runtime environment version 8 and up (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html) And Enderal, duh! - 3. Compatibility - This mod should work with ANY setup and any other mod. Only case you should be careful is if you have mods in your load order which add/modify Enderal creatures. While nothing should go wrong better play it safe and add those mods to the blocklist.txt: Add the mod's .esp file name to "SkyProc Patchers\EnderalAAPatcher\Files\Blocklist.txt". - 4. Future Plans - While the patcher is very limited in its scope, I wouldn't mind adding more fixes to Enderal in a procedural (i.e. skyproc patcher) way. If you have any suggestions, let me know! - 5. Installation - Use NMM, Mod Organizer or Wrye Bash to install. If you are familiar with Skyrim's/Enderal's folder structure you can install manually of course. Run the included "EnderalAAPatcher.jar" in: "Data\SkyProc Patchers\EnderalAAPatcher". Configure the patcher as you please. Check the created "Enderal_AA_Patcher.esp" in your launcher. If you are using Mod Organizer and are new to skyproc patchers have a look here: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Mod_Organizer#tab=Third_Party_Programs Scroll down to SkyProc Patchers to see how they are used with Mod Organizer. - 6. Uninstallation - Uninstallation is safe at any time. No scripts, no leftovers ingame. Uncheck & delete the "Enderal_AA_Patcher.esp" in your launcher. Then either use your mod manager for uninstallation. Or remove the folder "EnderalAAPatcher" in "Data\SkyProc Patchers\". - 7. Updates/Upgrading - Generally every update of the patcher is safe to overwrite the previous version with. However, you should always rerun the patcher after upgrading to benefit from bug fixes and new features. - 8. Known Issues - None at the moment. Let me know if you find any! - 9. Version History - 1.0 - 14.11.2016 initial release 1.1 - 19.02.2019 updated for enderal: forgotten stories steam release 1.1SE - 07.02.2021 added support for Enderal SE - 10. Tools Used - NetBeans - for java programming SkyProc Java Library - not possible without this. Thanks Leviathan! And thank you Dienes for taking over. TESVEdit - absolutely essential Notepad++ - very useful for writing Papyrus scripts - 11. Permissions - Do not redistribute this file or any part of it. Exclusive to the Nexus. - 12. Disclaimer - This mod comes without any guarantees that it will work or leave your game/computer intact. Use at your own risk.