Elemental Destruction Magic - Elemental Dragon Priests As much as I like the Elemental Destruction Magic mod, one part that always disappointed me was the lack of new Dragon Priests for the new masks, they're just given to you. So, I went and fixed that. I edited the esp file for the mod, and added 2 new priests, and edited 1 existing priest. They 3 all have eponymous masks, and have the appropriate spells and perks, as well. Q&A Q: Did you change the spells/perks/etc? A:No. All the spells remain unaltered. Q: Did you change any creatures/NPCs? A: See the spoiler Section of the readme for details. Q: Does this require the orginal EDM mod? A: Yes, it requires the Dragonborn Perk version. Q: Will you make a non-Dragonborn version? A: No. So don't ask. Q: The enemies are too hard! I can't get the items! A: Git Gud. <3 Q: Are you serious? A: No. They're the same level as the vanilla ones, so make sure you're equipped for them. Q: Where are they? A: See the spoilers for details. Q: I use a patch for EDM. Will this break it? A: It shouldn't, I just added creatures, but as always, make backup saves. Known Issues - - The coffin(s) for the Priests may not open, but the Priest will still attack as normal. This is mostly a visual hiccup that doesn't affect gameplay, so I'll probably not bother to fix it. *SPOILERS FOR THE PRIESTS* Edited Priest - Vahlok - Water -Location and quest unchanged; just a makeover and some different spells. New Priest - Riikkodsar - Earth - Located at the end of Shriekwind Bastion, in the coffin in front of the Word Wall. New Priest -Thurondven - Wind - Located at the end of Shroud Hearth Burrow, in Ivarstead. Complete the Misc. Quest for the location to reach him.