SWASHBUCKLER 2.0 README Play as a Swashbuckler, a lightly armed character who depends on speed, skill and swagger. You will be able to craft complete sets of clothing and light armor, beginning with a variety of robes and cloaks and including temperable armor, jackets, and long coats. Clothing is crafted at the tanning rack; armors are crafted at the forge. The clothing uses linen wraps. It is designed for a warrior mage, and includes the option to convert the robe and hood from Helgen into a coat and hat. Robes and mages' gear are classed as simple clothing. All armor, and all other hats, will be based on the Steel Smithing perk and fully temperable, and can be used together in any mix: the Custom Fit and Matching Set light armor perks will still apply. SPECIAL NOTE ON CRAFTING: Clothing and armor added by this mod are designed to be used in any combination. Swordsman armor is marked in the Construction Set as Light Armor and Armor Material Steel, even if it's actually made from leather. Linen rolls salvaged from the ruins will be a major ingredient. Tempering will often use leather or linen rolls. The mod includes a complete set of rapiers, parrying daggers, and "cut and thrust" swords, all keyed to the Light Smithing perks. The rapiers are lighter than standard swords and do slightly less damage, but they are also faster and have a longer reach. The parrying daggers are listed under armor; they are shields, and can't be used to attack unless you have shield bash perks. However, I've also included a complete matching set of offhand daggers as weapons. (These are designed as a supplement to the parrying daggers, and should only be assigned to the shield hand.) If you want the option to defend and attack, you could build both parrying and offhand daggers. The "cut and thrust" swords are shorter than rapiers, but lighter and faster than longswords. You may find that they fit better with Skyrim's attack animations. Swashbuckler also includes crafting for several bows, a light crossbow with crossbow bolts, and quarterstaff. These rely on steel smithing and advanced armors. NOTES ON SWORDSMAN ARMOR: Elegance and flamboyance are part of the Swashbuckler's style. With this in mind I've included many options for clothing and armor, in a wide variety of colors. Anything labeled "Swordsman" will be light armor, keyed to steel armor material, and can be combined without concern. This includes Swordsman's Cloaks, which are identified in the Construction Set as light armor cuirasses. They do not, however, unequip other cuirasses, clothing, or robes. They are a supplement, so that you can wear whatever clothing you like (such as the Swashbuckler robes) and still have full use of all light armor perks such as Custom Fit and Matching Set by adding a cloak. I have also added a "Swordsman's Ring" and "Swordsman's Circlet," which can be used to replace gloves or hats if you prefer a lighter, more elegant appearance. Cloaks and jewelry can also be worn together with currently equipped armor, and will increase your overall armor rating. Bear in mind that as your smithing skill and light armor perks increase it's not hard to reach the maximum armor cap (a displayed rating of 567.) At this point you might play around with lighter but more flamboyant gear. On the whole, with the Advanced Armor smithing perk and good light armor skill you should be able to craft all the gear you'll need. VERSION NOTES: This mod is a substantial revision of my earlier "Swashbuckler" mod, adding significant new material,cleaning nif files, and correcting errors. I am releasing it as a new mod, but players using my earlier version should be able to update by simply replacing the .esp and .bsa files. One major correction in this version is that Broad Hats now properly support Argonian and Khajiit models. This version also adds Lincoln Green clothing and wood, steel, and advanced quarterstaffs, to support play inspired by Robin Hood. The quarterstaffs, inspired by JZBai, do less damage than many weapons but have a much longer reach. MORE MODS FOR SWASHBUCKLERS: Here are some additional mods which suit the character type: * Deapri "Airship - Dev Aveza" Fly the skies of Keizaal in your own airship, which is also a well-equipped player home. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24234 * Pevey "Become a Bard" Play as a wandering minstrel, in the inns and courts of Skyrim. Good animations, and a wide selection of possible music. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65636 My Spellsinger mod is fully compatible with "Become a Bard": https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/104771 CREDITS: The broad-brimmed hats are based on Patrick Reece's "Witchhunter Hat" mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5300) The cloaks are based on Noodles' "Cloaks of Skyrim" mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12092) The long coats are adapted from str8maverick's "Duelists Longcoat" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34051) Bows are based on models from Decimus Maximus' "Real Bows" package, (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64440) The rapier model and textures are adapted from lewisdude's "Emerald Rapier" (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17228) which uses mystikhybrid's "Goldbrand Rapier" (http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/7909) Quarterstaffs are adapted from JZBai's "Quarterstaff" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25431 All are used by permission, and with my thanks. The "cut and thrust" swords are adapted from throttlekitty's Oblivion rapier set (http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18846). This was released under a Creative Commons license, and Swashbuckler is posted under the same conditions: "You are free to copy and re-distribute the work, as well as make remixes/alterations. (and distribute those as well!) This is provided with the following conditions: Attribution must be given to the original author. Noncommercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Share Alike: If you alter this work, you may distribute that result only with the same or similar license to this one." PERMISSION: You have my permission to use or adapt any of this material in your own mods for personal use or to post on the Nexus web site, but not for commercial use. Attribution must be given to this mod and to the original mods I've adapted.