Meshes are not included, you'll need to download Overmind5000's original Princess Zelda mod in order for my recolors to work, without his work my standalone recolors will not appear for you. Link here: Where to find them: Dark Zelda's clothing can be found inside the East Empire Warehouse trading company down by the Solitude Docks. Once inside the warehouse you will see an odd mysterious chest by a stair case which contains the clothing and tiara. As for the realistic gold varient of Overminds Zelda dress it must be obtained by the additems menu mod, or console commands as I haven't added it into the world. Zelda dress by Overmind5000, Dark Zelda dress and Gold varient created with by Simdrew1993 with his permission. This Gold Realistic version is an alternative retexture of his work adding real gold to the shoulder plates, tiara, and shading + shine to the jewels to add realism. It doesn't replace the original. Personally, I really loved his Zelda dress although I felt it needed something like, real gold and jewels added to it because I'm a sucker for realism, and wanted to make it even more majestic. His dress was a masterpiece on it's own, and I helped make it into a golden masterpiece, even better. Please be sure to endorse his work! Credits Overmind5000 Simdrew1993 Bethesda Nintendo