Fixes the Bug that kills you Instant, when hitting the Ebony Warrior, but still keeps his "Reflect Blows" Perk intact. If you Fight the Ebony Warrior, there is a chance that you will be killed instant of your own attack because of his "Reflect Blows" Perk, especially when using "Marked for Death" shout. Thats fine to me, i mean he is supposed to be a real challenge and everything, but.... in my Game this Perk of his was Bugged and i got killed even when i was on full health (400 HP) and attackt him with an Iron dagger that did 10 Damage and was not enchanted and when i used the "Marked for Death" shout, i got killed on every the first hit. Many people seemed to have that kind of bug or similar, so i decided to make a Fix. I encounted no Problems with this mod and everything worked fine, but if this doesnt fix it for you, send me a message, maybe i can help. ! ATTENTION ! the Perk is NOT disabled and the Ebony Warrior is NOT weakend, you can still be killed by this Perk, if you have to low health, but now it should work fine, that means it should be a real 10% chance and not a 90% chance.