I sort of made this on a whim last night. It utilizes Keos' skimpy armor for a non re-placer. I made quite a few of them (if not most) craftable. Basically I loved the skimpy armor, but it's pretty lore breaking when everyone woman looks like they're freezing their asses off... not to mention the danger of it all. So who else would charge into a freezing battle half dressed? A BARD of course! All the bard class armors and clothes are half their normal weight and half the base armor rating of their respective category. For a little touch of realism. ______________________________ This is just sort of a test of an idea. I haven't modded since Oblivion, so a lot of re-acquainting to TES kit. I've tested a few and it seems pretty solid so far. *Have a basic understanding of manual modding* ....and maybe some intuition if I messed something up. XD INSTALL: 1) Unzip files to your skyrim directory or use mod-manager. 2) Download "Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer" file: "aNMM Ready Installer for my Replacers and Custom armors" manualy. BUT DO NOT INSTALL! OPEN HIS ZIP FILE AND NAVIGATE to 01mainmod/normal 3) Move all the contents from Keo's meshes/ARMOR/ folder to: Skyrim/data/meshes/armor/Keos Skimpy/ 4) Move all the contents from Keo's meshes/CLOTHES/ folder to Skyrim/data/meshes/clothes/Keos Skimpy/ 5) Move all the "clothes" folder from Keo's textures/ to Skyrim/textures (allow overwrite if it comes up, there's only a couple files) 6) Move "02 dawngaurd/normal/" and "03 dragonborn/normal/" contents in the same fashion. 7) Make sure SkimpyCraft.esp and SkimpyCraft_DLC are check in your load order. SHOULD BE READY TO GO! ^o^/ ______________________________ In game they'll be craftable at a forge. Or type "help bard" in console to 'cheat'. For reference, each item ends with the suffix "_bard". For example "ironarmor_bard" A couple of rare items are craftable only by destroying the normal rare item. For example, the 'Savior's Hide'. So if you just want to play around with this, back up your save files first. Or use console commands instead of crafting. happy skimpy skipping in Skyrim, you sultry saucy bard! ~nikita