SKYRIM MINUS 10K OBJECTS Manually deletes more than 10k objects across Skyrim using the Creation Kit in an effort to improve performance and save VRAM. In some cases I removed the base object in its entirety so not even the mesh file gets loaded [ based on my understanding ]. Care was taken so as not to make Skyrim look even more desolate than it already it. In fact my goal was to keep deleting objects while making it look like nothing was changed at all. You are encouraged to inspect the esp to find out which objects where removed in their entirety. You are discouraged to clean this mod using any third party tools unless crucially or absolutely necessary and that you know what you intend to do with it. ON INSPECTION Upon inspection with TES5EDIT, you will notice the mod has thousands of errors as detected from TES5EDIT. These are errors for each objects deleted in the game. So, if, as of this writing, I have deleted more than 11K objects that means the software will detect more than 11K objects too -- 1 error detection per object deleted to be clear. Only concern yourself with it if you are 100% sure that this mod is what causes your game to crash and you can 100% reliably reproduce this crash on the same vicinity. Load this esp as the last one that alters [ adds or removes ] objects in the world space. If these errors [ pseudo-errors as I call them ] really bother you, it is up to you to fix them easily using TES5EDIT by using its "un-delete and disable references" function. This way you will adhere to the modding community's preferred practice of initially disabling objects rather than straight-up deleting them. The choice is yours. WHAT ARE THESE ERRORS Because deleting objects using the Creation Kit leaves behind its original base form id, TES5EDIT detects it as an error because it still has a reference that points to it. In my opinion, that is okay, because keeping the base form ID of a deleted object prevents the game from crashing, especially when that object has a LOD data.