NECESSARY STEPS FOR A WORKING PAPER MAP 1. Update your launcher. Go to and download the new launcher then overwite your old one. 2. Make sure the following lines are included in your skyrim.ini [MapMenu] uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 uLockedTerrainLOD=32 sWorldMapOverlayNormalSnowTexture sWorldMapOverlayNormalTexture fWorldMapDepthBlurScale=0.0000 fMapWorldMaxPanSpeed=80000.0000 fMapWorldCursorMoveArea=0.4000 fMapWorldYawRange=20.0000 fMapWorldMinPitch=90.0000 fMapWorldMaxPitch=90.0000 3. Install my mod at the bottom of your load order. Yes, even below mods like DynDLOD. Basically below any mods that modify worldspaces.