=================================================== Dwemer Tower v 2.0 (Feb 12, 2012) =================================================== This mod adds a middle-sized tower located right in the middle of the world of Skyrim. It's in a dwemer style, located on a small cliff near a lake. Map marker is visible from the beginning, but you have to discover the place until you can fast-travel there. Furnishing has to be bought, just like for any other vanilla player houses. It is sold by a guy in a dwemer armor, sitting on a chair near the Half-Moon Mill (see the screen). It is a fully funcional house, nearly any type of character can find it suitable, yet it has something different from the other player houses. What is it? Why don't you go there and find out! Features: -bookshelves -weapon racks -crafting area -cozy fireplace -enchanting area -alcheming area -storage -upper level bedroom -balcony with a great view -a small pier with place for fishing ================================================ Installation/Uninstallation ================================================ Just copy the 'Data' folder to your own data folder (should be something like "\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data"). To Uninstall, simply remove 'DwemerTower.esp' from the Data folder. ================================================ Compatibility ================================================ Should be compatibile with any mods but those changing the same cells. DwemerTower modifies the following ones: [-10,-10],[-10,-11],[-10,-12],[-10,-13], [-11,-10],[-11,-11],[-11,-12], [-9, -11],[-9, -13],[-12,-10], HalfMoonMillExterior02. ================================================ Known Issues ================================================ Currently none. ================================================ Credits ================================================ Pepsi - for keeping me sharp. ================================================ Version history ================================================ 1.0 -Initial release. 2.0 -Fixed invisible exterior when using improved textures from Beth -Becouse of many complains, made the tower brighter -Tower furnishing has to be bought now ================================================ Enjoy! JohnB