Compassionate Heroes of Skyrim [Pacifism Mode] ============================================== Description ----------- Complete tasks for strangers without resorting to violence. You know, like a productive member of society or something. Long Description ---------------- Being the Hero of Skyrim is demanding work, but do you really need to sacrifice your sense of moral superiority just for the sake of lowly peasants? Surely a smart dovahkiin like you can find a way to settle your conflicts with words, like a grown-up. Let's try the Way of the Indoor Voice, shall we? This mod makes some minor tweaks to the world so that most quests can more easily be completed without killing anybody. I strive to make the smallest changes possible to meet that goal. Quest objectives that ask you to kill people won't be changed, however. And I'm not touching the Dark Brotherhood with a six foot broom. I'm fixing things as I discover them, so if you find a quest that needs work, let me know. Manual Installation ------------------- Move Pacifism.esp into your %STEAM_INSTALL%\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\ directory. Use the Data Files option on the launcher screen to enable Pacifism.esp, then enjoy!