[Game] Fallout 4 [Mod Name] BobbleHead and Perk Magazine Mover [Version] 1.1 [Author(s)] cmosbob [Contact Me] cmosbob@gmail.com [Date Released] 4/28/2016 [Download Site] https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12490/? [Categories] Cheats and God Items [Description] v1.0: Deleted all Perk Magazines and BobbleHeads from the wasteland and MOVED them to 2 lockers in Vault 111, by where you get your PipBoy. v1.1: Deleted all Perk Magazines and BobbleHeads from the wasteland and MOVED the Perk Magazines to a Locker and BobbleHeads to a table behind the locker, both in Vault 111, by where you get the PipBoy. [Location] Vault 111, inside where you first get PipBoy [Installation] Use Nexus Mod Manager [Manual Installation] Extract to a safe location, then copy or move the BobbleMagazine.esp file to: \fallout4\data\ [Uninstall] Use Nexus Mod Manager [Manual Uninstallation] Remove BobbleMagazine.esp from fallout4\data\ [Tools Used] Creation Kit 7-zip