FEATURES: - Display armor/clothing on craftable mannequins - Under Furniture -> Shelves in Workshop - Swap your current armor with the mannequin COMING SOON: - "Swap Equipped Armor" instead of just "Swap All Armor" - Smaller stand (to fit mannequins in tighter places) - More races / variations - Poses & animations - Frozen versus idle - Currently there is no "E: Activate" displayed when getting close to the mannequin (but you can still activate it) - Currently when a mannequin equips underwear, it disappears in it's inventory (when using "Give Items"). Use "Take all items" instead, to get it back for now. - There may be a few more pieces of unique armor that need to be recognized for the "Swap all armor" to work properly for them. https://youtu.be/LXsae4k9WIM https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/836030