This setup will allow superior screenshots in game. With this, pushing hotkey (default F12) will pause, release camera, smooth movement, clean blood splatter off camera & toggle Immortality Mode (NOT Godmode, since IM still allows full funcitonality such as stimpaks etc) ======= INSTALL ======= 1: Copy folder contents to Game directory, this should place LCSS.txt in same location as Fallout4.exe and hotkeys.txt in the data folder 2: Add the following section to Fallout4Custom.ini in MyDocuments directory: (You can skip this step if you already use Fallout4 Hotkeys) [Menu] bUseConsoleHotkeys=1 sConsoleINI=Data\Hotkeys.ini 3: Open the hotkeys.txt and change the hotkey to your preference (I use F12 as it's next to print screen) 4: Optional: you can adjust the smoothed out camera speed by altering the 'SUCSM' value in LCSS.txt - experiment to see what works for you 5: Other recommendations: Vogue ENB preset Enhanced color correction If you use Vogue (or any other ENB) I also recommend changing the following line in your Fallout4.ini: [Display] bAllowScreenshot=0 This will stop the game default screenshots from duplicating those taken by the ENB as they both use the print screen button) ========= UNINSTALL ========= Delete LCSS.txt & hotkeys.ini, or just remove the keybind from hokeys.ini