========== Locky Bastard =========== --------------- INFOS -------------- Name: Locky Bastard Game: Fallout 4 Version: 3.0 Author: Kesta Nexus Page: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13380 ----------- DESCRIPTION ------------- Allow the player to perform alternative actions to open locked doors and containers: * Shooting * Kicking into doors * Detonating * Revisit the vanilla lockpicing system to allow any level of lock to be picked without perk, and rebalance it. ----------- INSTALLATION ------------ Manual: Place Locky Bastard.esp and Locky Bastard - Main.BA2 in your Data folder. Enable LockyBastard in the in-game Mods -> Load Order menu. Mod Manager: Install normally. Refer to your mod manager's readme for any specific informations. Bethesda.net: Add the mod to your library and install it through the in-game interface. ============= Shooting ============= -------------- Overview ------------ Moderate chance of success, seldom open on first try but usually work with shots. Each try potentially break the lock, completely preventing to access it. The higher the lock's level, the more try it take, and thus the more likely it will break. Broken locks can be restored to master-level locks with locksmith rank 3. Cannot be used on safes. A lock can be shot if the player is aiming a firearm at it. Weapon's type and related perks, locksmith perks, and lock's level affect the % chance to open a lock. Luck statistic and lockksmithing perks affect the % chance a lock will break. The following weapons (and their derivations) cannot be used to shoot at locks: * Fatman * Missile Launcher * Flamer * Gamma Gun * Cryolator ============ Detonating ============ -------------- Overview ------------ High chance of success. Cost adhesive and explosives (they're removed from player's inventory when the command is used) A valid explosive must be equipped in the throwable-weapon slot. Potentially cost more than what's gained once the lock is open on low/mid level containers. The player need to be crouching and get close enough to be able to detonate a lock. The prompt is always available. If the player's lack the pre-requisites, a warning is displayed. It is possible to detonate even broken locks (those will be treated as Master-level locks) Succes chances depends on the Demolition Expert perks. The following explosives can be used to detonate locks: * Fragmentation Grenade * Nuka Grenade * Plasma Grenade * Fragmentation Mine * Nuke Mine * Plasma Mine ============== Kicking ============= Easy to use and almost cost-free. Only work to open doors, not containers. Extremely low chance of success without PA. Moderate chance of success with PA. Cost action points and drain fusion core. If no PA is worn, arm the player's right leg, potentially cuasing an injury. The player need to stand very close to a door to kick it. Cannot kick a door with an injured leg. Success chances depends on the strength statistic and wether or not wearing power armor. ============== Picking ============= Any lock can be picked. Locks are harder to picks than in vanilla. Each perk grant a bonus for a specific lock level, restoring the lockpicking difficulty of the targeted lock to something closer to what it used to be in vanilla once you were able to pick it. ============ Known Issues ========== When one of the prompt to kick/shoot/detonate is displayed, the base-object's name is displayed instead of the actual reference's names, so "Poly's House" display just as "Door". For this reason, there is conditions to each actions, simply standing with weapons holstered in front of the door won't display any prompt, in order to still see the original name. When one of the prompt to kick/shoot/detonate is displayed, the original prompt "Unlock [Level]" become just "[Level]". The perk animations in the pipboy kinda look like shit. The Power Armor's "backpack" is glitching during the 3rd person lock-kicking animation. No crimes events are sent. Locks broken will display as "[Barred]" instead of "[Broken]" to avoid a worse display issue similar to the baseobject/reference name mentioned above. The lock is still treated differently than vanilla [Barred] locks and handled by LockyBastard only. Some doors / containers just won't have the new prompts available. This is believed to be related to pre-combined objects. When an NPC engage a conversation with the player, even if the dialogue menu isn't displayed, the additional prompt won't be available. When kicking a door open, it will open in its default direction, meaning it can actually open in the wrong way. =========== Compatibility ========== Mods altering vanilla locksmithing perk will conflict. The conflict can be resolved by regular conflict resolution in FO4Edit. If not resolved, and LockyBastard.esp have a lower priority, perk's description won't display informations related to shooting locks, and won't alter the chances of success / breaking locks when shooting. All of the other features will still work as intended. Mods adding new prompts to locked elements with conditions that overlap with those from Locky Bastard will result in no additional prompts displayed at all. Mods adding new explosives suitable to detonate locks need to have the explosive(s) added to the FormList LHO_Detonators [XX00540D]. Mods adding new non-melee weapons not-suitable to shoot at locks should have the weapon(s) added to the FormList LHO_ExcludedWeapons [XX006345]. =========== Configuration ========== The mod is designed so it can be configured easily by editing a few values all grouped together in FO4Edit. Process: Download FO4Edit and start it. Double-Click on "Locky Bastard.esp" In the tree on the left, expand "Locky Bastard.esp" and the "Global" section Locate the value you wish to tweak (their name correspond to those given in the above formulas, with the "LHO" prefix) Click on the value you wish to modify and edit the line with "FLTV - Value" Once you're done, closed FO4Edit and click yes to save your edited plugin Do NOT alter the value of "LB_Version". You can also try to set those values with console commands directly in-game, but they won't persist through savegame if you do so (intended). A more convenient way to tweak the values should be provided once advanced scripts extenders and UI frameworks are availables. ==== Bug Reports & Suggestions ===== Please visit the "POSTS" tab of the nexus mod page and follow the informations in the sticky post. ========= Credits, Thanks and Legal ========= SparrowPrince - Original idea for the mod's name Fireundubh - Original lock-level based XP gain function noahvds - Sound effect for door kicking, file under Creative Commons license : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ =========== Permissions ============ You're free to translate this mod and upload your translation anywhere. Please provide a link to the original mod-page. You're allowed to re-upload this mod to other site. Please include this readme and a link to the original (and thus up-to-date) mod page. You're allowed to re-use part or all of this mod into other mods, with or without credits. If including the sound file, you must comply to the term of the creative commons license : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/