This bat file has setstage commands to skip all the memory levels and just gives you all the tapes. setstage dlc03mq04 150 setstage dlc03mq04 250 setstage dlc03mq04 350 setstage dlc03mq04 450 setstage dlc03mq04 550 I'm uploading this here in case someone else has as sensitive a migraine as I do. There might be another way to do it but I did it this way and it worked like a charm. 1) USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !! I completed the DLC fine with this cheat 2) MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR SAVES Nothing seemed off in my entire playthrough of the DLC with this but you never know. It's good to have a fallback point. I won't be held responsible for you hacking your own game ;) :: HOW TO USE :: Get to the point where you load into the first memory puzzle, bring up the developer console and write bat puzzles Exit simulation. Listen to the tapes. Done'd.