AmmoForAll Version 1.0 Support through Far Harbor. Corrected all Damage values based on real world energy out of explosives and weapons. Added New ammo types. Modified the level lists accordingly. Automatic weapon penalty was removed. Laser recoil was removed. Suppressor and muzzle break penalties were removed. Added a Chambering field to weapon mods menu. Edited the Receivers, Barrels, Sights and Muzzles to be more realistic. Made the Laser Musket crank only, no ammo needed. Now, before you read that information, please be warned that playing this will not be a walk through the park. High caliber rounds are LEATHAL. There is very little in game that in the real world an Anti-material Rifle could not take down in 1 hit. After all, it was designated to destroy light armored vehicles. Very large game and power armor fall into that target range. All explosives are LEATHAL. You are not going to live through a 1K Ton blast, period. Grenades and mines will require power armor to stand a chance. You can still run to get out of the blast radius, but that will flush you out of cover. Just like they do on a real battle field... If you want to know the source code of the script for the Laser Musket, it will be at the end of this document. Also included will the the damage chart for all ammunition changed in spreadsheet form (Open Office was used, saved in Office 97 XLS format). AmmoForAll was originally just a mod to add all ammo types to the respective pistols and rifles. As most mods do, it suffered greatly from feature creep. All damage values are based on the real world foot pounds / joules energy using the 13 points of damage of the .38 caliber as a base. Lasers were corrected using the same info per cannon. Explosives were base on the real world output of the type used for the various applications. The mods recipes were then corrected base on what they would really be made from or the closest thing available in game. The recoil from lasers was removed as lasers don't have any more recoil than a flashlight... Automatic fire is not weaker. Bullets don't get lazy because you fire a lot of them. There is no hip fire penalty either. Using various weapons with and without careful aim, the length of the barrel makes no difference. In close up combat, people hold pistols out and choke up on rifles, it is about the same distance from your body either way. Suppressor and muzzle attachment penalties were also removed. With work and a chronograph, it was found that a suppressor actually increases muzzle velocity by about 3 percent, which is close to or within the margin of error. All changes have a scientific reason behind them. The laser musket crank is used to cool the nuclear decay battery when charging. The larger laser barrel grants greater accuracy due to the need of more exacting tolerances on the alignment of the focusing mirrors and lenses. Laser burn was removed, as that would represent a damaged laser not focused to the correct beam width. It was turned into armor piercing to represent a tighter focus. It goes on with similar reasoning. The mod is also balanced, although it may not appear to be at first glance. Remember, the enemy will have access to all the new goodness. Automatic weapons will do the base damage at the regular game rates as ammo won't last as long. Also bear in mind with new ammo types, you won't find as much of 1 particular type at random now. Lasers are around the power as 7.62 ammo on average. The military would not field a weaker weapon at more expense unless it had advantages over the older style of equipment. Mod bonuses are more spread out over all the mods to make them more realistic. Most damage from bullets come from longer barrels allowing the gases push out longer on the projectile, etc. The balance side is to get a noticeable increase in damage, you will need pretty much every mod. That will take care of some of the lower material costs on some mods. The following script was added directly to the weapon in the Papyrus Scripts field at the bottom right hand corner of the Laser Musket weapons window. You can add it to any weapon and change the weapon and ammo types values for the appropriate device. You have permission to add it to any not for profit mod. It will add the unique LMCell to the inventory (zero weight and caps value) when equiped. It will replenish the ammo count to 20 after each firing. Change the the 20s to what ever you need in your mod. When the weapon is unequiped, the ammo is removed and the script ends. It makes for a low impact on the processing power and memory as it is only called when you equip. Writing the script was not hard, finding the syntax was. Scriptname AmmoAdder extends ObjectReference Const {Adds Ammo as it is used. AmmoType will be completely removed at the end of the script.} Ammo PROPERTY AmmoType AUTO const ;Sets ammo to be added Weapon Property WeaponType Auto Const ;Sets the weapon equiped that will start the onEquipped. EVENT OnEquipped(Actor akActor) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(AmmoType,20,true) ; Adds initial ammo. While (Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(WeaponType)) if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(AmmoType) < 20) ; Max ammount of ammo to be in inventory. Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(AmmoType,1,true) Endif EndWhile ;Removes all the ammo when unequiped. Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(AmmoType,(Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount (AmmoType)),true,None) ENDEVENT