Tactical Attachment System [T.A.S] V3.0 by Kealle 28/01/2018 Features: ======================= Adds a craftable weapon accessory tool kit (the T.A.S Tool Kit) which allows certain weapon mods to be attached to your weapons while in the field. - This means there is no longer any need to carry two similar weapons for use in different circumstances (e.g. one sniper rifle with a nightvision scope and one without)....more room for loot :) The tool kit does NOT allow crafting of mods from scratch - you will need to craft them at a workbench and carry loose versions of the mods you want to use. The tool kit is also restricted to those mods where it makes sense to be able to easily attach/remove them i.e. scopes and muzzles/suppressors. Compatibility: ======================= Tactical accessories (mods that can be changed in the field) are currently limited by default to scopes and muzzles from vanilla weapons (and DLC's with a patch). Additionally, if the toolkit is used when close to a weapons workbench (within activation range) an inventory will open up that will allow loose weapon mods (including any added by other mods) to be added in order to make them usable with the T.A.S Toolkit. Any loose mods in your inventory that are already compatible will appear in this inventory and can be removed in order to make them incompatible. The mod is compatible with sorting mods (e.g Valdacils Item Sorting) and there is a patch that changes the crafting bench used to create the kit to the weaponsmith bench added by AWKCR. Otherwise, there should be few if any conflicts as no vanilla forms have been modified. Use: ======================= the T.A.S Tool Kit can be crafted under utilities at the chemistry station (or with the AWKCR weaponsmithing workbench if using the patch) and will require rank 1 in Gun Nut. Once crafted, simply use (or hotkey) the item from your inventory (under AID) and as soon as your Pip-Boy is closed you will enter a weapons bench menu, albeit with a few restrictions depending on the configuration options selected. If you want to add a mod that isn't currently supported (either from a vanilla weapon or another mod), use the T.A.S Toolkit while in activation range of a standard weapons workbench, and add any weapon mods you want included as accessories to the container menue that opens - You should receive a message stating the mod is now compatible with T.A.S. If you remove a mod from the container it will become incompatible and you should receive a message to that effect. Simply exit the container menu when you are done and all mods will be returned to your inventory. If configured to allow scrapping, the components obtained will be limited to common components. i.e. the effects of the scrapper perk will not apply. A settings holotape will be added when you first install the mod which allows the behaviour of the toolkit to be configured and contains a help menu with information on the settings as well as some additional information and warnings. Potential Bugs/issues: ======================= If using the configuration option that allows scrapping of weapons - after scrapping a weapon, the available materials don't update until you either attach/remove a mod or scrap another weapon. This means that after scrapping something, you will have whatever components you gained from that weapon available for creating new mods - this should only ever show components obtained from the most recently scrapped weapon. If you use any option that allows modification of all weapons in your inventory while preventing scrapping there will be a significant delay when using the toolkit - This could result in injury or death if in combat at the time. Installation: ======================= Download with manager - recommended or Copy archive contents into the fallout 4 data folder (Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data) Credits: ======================= Bethesda (obviously) the creation kit wiki the AWKCR team and fadingsignal (Campsite) - looking through your mods helped me get a handle on how the relevant systems worked. Manny Faces' youtube tutorial on custom workbenches Gopher - Providing general inspiration through his videos and getting me into modding in the first place