##################################################################################################### # ______ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ______ # # | ____| | | | | | | || | | _ \| | | | | ____| # # | |__ __ _| | | ___ _ _| |_ | || |_ | |_) | | __ _ ___| | __ | |__ __ _ ___ ___ # # | __/ _` | | |/ _ \| | | | __| |__ _| | _ <| |/ _` |/ __| |/ / | __/ _` |/ __/ _ \ # # | | | (_| | | | (_) | |_| | |_ | | | |_) | | (_| | (__| < | | | (_| | (_| __/ # # |_| \__,_|_|_|\___/ \__,_|\__| |_| |____/|_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\ |_| \__,_|\___\___| # # # # ______ _ # # | ____(_) # # | |__ ___ __ # # | __| | \ \/ / # # | | | |> < # # |_| |_/_/\_\ # # # ##################################################################################################### # # # By: KLMX # # Not To Be Uploaded Anywhere But Nexus Without Permission! # # Version: 3 Alpha 1 # # # ##################################################################################################### NOTE: This is an alpha test, ive adapted some code ive been working on for another project to work with the blackface fix script, its not a very clean adaptation but it functions fine. If this version ends up solving more issues ill be doing a full rewrite to clean everything up. Changes in V3 alpha -Large Overhaul of code for the texture processing, based off a seperate project im working on, much more flexible. -Included a set of textures (seperate download) that are too big in the HD DLC, but that depending on what mods you use you might not have a loose copy of. Note: Thanks to all of you who have been testing and bringing these bugs to my attention, I can't fix them if i dont know about them! Known Issues with V3 Alpha 1: -The script doesnt work if run as admin. TODO: - Fix any additional issues with certain Characters, and unknown bugs. PM me about characters that arent being fixed. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: This is a small script to fix face bugs after installing the FO4 HD Texture Pack DLC. This works different then other fixes as it doesn't replace any of your existing files, it up-scales them to work with the HD DLC, this means that you don't have to worry about losing your custom face textures or waiting for a patch from your favorite face mod author. Any mod that adds face details / tattoos / makeup etc should be compatible with this script. Explanation of issue and the fix: The HD DLC Upgrades some of the sizes of most facial textures from 512x to 1K-2K and requires mod files to match that size, most don't however, this Script Resizes any loose facial related textures to ensure the proper size, whether you're using the HD DLC or just Vanilla! In addition the script also ensures that all diffuse and normal maps related to faces are at the correct size. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: PREP: 1. Extract BlackFaceFix_V2.3.7z anywhere on your system. 2. Make a backup of: \Data\Textures\Actors\Character\ (this is a precaution, better safe then sorry!) 3. Extract the textures from the Extra Textures download to your data folder, say no to overwrite, this is to add extra textures that you dont already have loose that are 2K in the HD DLC. Execution: 3. Run the script from Launcher.Bat 3a. If you receive an error saying that the script cant find your fallout 4 install directory, then you probably haven't run your fallout launcher since the last time you updated, go and launch the game using the original launcher and try the script again after. 4. Wait for the script to complete, when it completes it will just require you to press a key to close it, if you don't see "Press Any Key To Exit..." then its not done yet! Finishing up: 5. Load the game, all done! 5a. If you are having issues still, quick save, quit the game and restart it, load the new save to see if the issues persist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Notes: CONVERTING BACK TO VANILLA 1. Disable DLCUltraHighResolution.esm in your load order and rename ALL associated .BA2 Files to anything else. 2. Run the script again, if you did both things above it will detect you aren't using the HD pack anymore and convert everything to be vanilla friendly, i would reccomend reinstalling your textures if you do this more then once as quality will degrade if you keep swapping between modes. This Script makes use of TexConv.exe and TexDiag.exe from Microsoft's DirectXTex Library, their code and tools are released under the MIT License and available from their GitHub page at: https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectXTex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Microsoft for TexConv.exe and TexDiag.exe, Elianora for testing and 2 of the screenshots, Ousnius for testing and debugging.