Natural with Personality -Preset- --------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Nexus users, this is Thief06 presenting you a fallout preset with a REVOLUTIONNARY concept… a face with *gasp* no makeup. Okay seriously, this is simply a preset I made for my own character. I tried to remove every ounce of makeup available because I felt it looked better (and rose my immersion by about 22.46%). I also added some scars and white splotches to give her some hints of a backstory. Pretty and badass, give her a try if you like! ***Note*** I have a small bug that applies lipstick to my character’s lips whenever I load a preset (I know, how ironic). If you also experience this unintended issue and wish to resolve it, simply go to ‘’Extra’’ then ‘’Makeup’’ and finally remove the ‘’Lipstick’’ option in the Looks menu. Installation --------------------------------------------------------------- Simply put the file in Fallout4/Data/F4SE/Plugins/F4EE/Presets