Far Harbor Dogs - Sleep rug for Erikson's wolfs and hounds Version: 1.00 I was annoyed when looking at Erikson's Wolfs & Hounds trying to fit in doghouses, But I see them sleep in Far Harbor, on the floor, so I've used the markers on daisy rugs, and now we have craftable markers for them to sleep. - Workshop dog rugs are located in the same menu than the doghouse. - They will sleep on the rugs form 21 to 6 (9pm to 6am), at daylight they will refuse to sleep, but they will be (probably) near to the rug. - At the sleep period, if you "talk" to them, they will wake up for a momment, and then they will back to sleep. Note: To get it properly working you must remove any current doghouse you have already placed and then place a rug for the type of dog (wolf / hound) That you have in your settlement, then you can put the doghouse if you want.