With so many ultra-detailed and aesthetically pleasing things in the Fallout universe, why can't we build more than just cruddy wood shacks and a few boxes? This mod adds over 2000 new items to the workshop menu (found at the end of the menu, under the 'Functional Objects' tab). Some are usable and immersive - like idle markers, workstations, toilets you can sit on and boxes that are actually containers. Some are useful - like new plants, new turrets, a new radio beacon, full houses and other buildings. Some are just pretty - like the hundreds of new beds, display shelves, wall, floor, and roof looks, along with much, much more! I also added every single comic, and a ton of new wall art so you can really appreciate the lore and art of the world. Whether you want a clean, pristine mansion, or a run down shack with some character, you now build to your heart's content. It's also immersion-friendly, no cheats in this mod, folks. :) There is still a lot - like, a lot a lot - that I want to add to this. I just wanted to get this out there for now because I'm impatient as heck. I also plan on adding objects from the DLCs which will be available as add-on mods to this one. In the interest of keeping it PS4-friendly, all the current objects are reworkings of existing game assets. I may end up making some custom assets down the road for XB1 and PC because there's just so much that could be done. Anyway, as usual, let me know if anything goes wrong or seems unbalanced, and feel free to let me know if there's anything you really liked! If you have any suggestions for objects to add, be sure to comment! Oh, and enjoy. :) (Things that are currently severely lacking - stairs and doorways. I'm working on it.) Available for all platforms. ---------- Version 2: Compatibility Fix If you have other object mods, such as OCDecorator, FOO will now show up along with it. I moved the Functional Objects menu to the first place in the Structures section on the main menu. Please place this mod ABOVE any other mods which add a menu to the end of the main workshop menu. If you're still having problems, feel free to comment and I'll see what I can do.