{ "Categories" : [ "Buildings", "Cheats", "Homes", "Immersion", "Overhaul", "Settlements", "Workshop" ], "Description" : "A complete overhaul of Mystic Pines and added a complete working settlement with workshop; beds and food, electricity, water and defence ... \r\n\r\nChances are that it won't show up in your pipboy as a settlement. Although it could be a new game start is needed for it to work. Still figuring that out ... But, you can do a trade line with your first settlers walking in Mystic Pines to another settlement you have. The line will show up in the pipboy map. \r\n\r\nJust connect all the wires to attract settlers!\r\nYou'll need all DLC's, except for Nuka. \r\n\r\nDon't forget to rate, like or comment!\r\n\r\nAnd if you really love it, you can support me and future mods on my Patreon: \r\nhttps://www.patreon.com/Madrox\r\n\r\nMdX", "Language" : 0, "Title" : "Mystic Pines Settlement" }