WARNING: THE LAG IN THIS ONE IS REAL. This building exeeds the vanilla building limit far over 25 times. But once you're close to it or inside your system will regain almost full speed ... You get more than 30 rooms with one as your player home, 2 pools, shops, defence, water and an amazing view from all around … Again (if you feel like it) a lot of wires to connect fromout a central column. it will power the rooms for extra lights, and the neon signs outside. Most of the rooms are empty, so you can start decorating the place at your hearts content. For those who have the Minitower mod installed, you'll get an extra spectacle surprise next to the !nn by the way ... a leftover vacation resort that never got finished ... It's an experiment to see if the community likes big and detailed with lower fps over more dull and smaller ones with 60fps. Please let me know in the comments if you're having issues with it, in stead of giving it one star. You're not helping any modder with those actions and will result in us being demotivated working months to make something like this, and continue making bigger and smoother mods in the future. You'll need all DLC's (sorry for that, next one will be with less again) Thank you for all your support! Hope you enjoy your stay in 'the S!nn' .... Stay mad! Don't forget to rate, like or comment! It means a lot to all creators ... MdX Full modlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0HJ_OEE2HkdFqrMVX4CoqQ