Knockout Framework Version 1.4.0 (04/12/2022) By Seb263 The mod is available to download at: 1. Introduction 2. Prerequisites 3. Installation 4. Unistallation 5. Legal Mentions ================================================== 1. Introduction : Historically, Bethesda's open-world games are among those that allow the greatest freedom of action to the player. However, despite the passing years, some features considered essential by many gamers are still missing in their games. As you know, the only way out of a fight between two actors in Fallout 4 is the death of one of them. This mod was designed to provide a reliable alternative to the lethality of a fight. This mod is implemented in the most natural way possible and blends right in with the original gameplay. The mod's usability and fluidity is the result of a huge workload which relies only on scripts when necessary (No Papyrus event is used to determine when an NPC is K.O.). Because of this, the mod is constantly stable. The mod is configured for realism by default, but it is entirely possible to customize every detail as you'd like through the in-game MCM tab or a holotape that is automatically added to your inventory (which can be discarded). As a framework, this mod is equally available as a large resource of functions and events for modders who wish to enrich their own creations. If you're interested, please download the archive containing the Framework's source files and instructions. ---------------------------------------------------- How does it work? ---------------------------------------------------- It's as simple as it sounds : When an actor should be killed by a weapon that is considered non-lethal, he is instead knocked out. This also applies to essential wounded NPCs who can't keep fighting. ---------------------------------------------------- What weapons are considered non-lethal? ---------------------------------------------------- The framework itself considers (depending on the set parameters) unarmed melee attacks and gun bashing to be non-lethal to the target. Due to the framework's flexible nature, however, it is extremely easy to create mods that consider certain weapons to be non-lethal (a club or a rubber-ball rifle, for example). I recommend you my "Non-Lethal Armory" mod ( which is an official extension of the framework. It makes all blunt weapons of the game (only the stock version) non-lethal. There are also various additions like stun grenades and non-lethal ammunition. ---------------------------------------------------- What happens when an actor is knocked out? ---------------------------------------------------- The actor will stay unconscious for an amount of time that can be customized through the mod's configuration menu. A specific or random event may also occur if you use a framework extension that allows it. When interacting with the bodies of a knocked out actor, you are presented with these options: Wake, Search, Kidnap or Finish (Move, if crouched). If the NPC is wearing a Power Armor, you can take it away from him and use it (this does not work on essential NPCs for security reasons). ---------------------------------------------------- Can the framework be used alone? ---------------------------------------------------- Absolutely. With the framework installed, the essential or protected NPCs that fall in battle will no longer wait around when downed but will be rendered unconscious (your followers can also be affected). Fall damage (if inferior to 200% of the player health) can also render unconscious and break certain bones... The few NPCs who cannot be knocked out will stay downed until combat is over (with a minimum delay of 15 seconds). ---------------------------------------------------- Does this system also work on my character? ---------------------------------------------------- Yes, and it works exactly the same as for NPCs. With the release of the version 1.2.0, a default player knockout scenario has been integrated to the framework and works as follows: If your character is knocked out in a dangerous area, nearby enemies may rob him, depending on the value of the objects he has. Once dispossessed of his belongings, your character will wake up, almost dead, in the spot you choosed in the configuration menu : the latest used bed (owned or not), the closest and safest bed or simply on the floor (Hardcore). A quest can then be followed to recover what has been stolen. All the process of this event is fully customizable from the MCM or the configuration holotape. ---------------------------------------------------- Can my character be knocked out instead of dying? ---------------------------------------------------- Yes, the framework applies to the player a feature named "Deferred Death". This feature will cause the player to be knocked out instead of simply dying, regardless of the conditions of death. If you have already played Skyrim with the Death Alternative mod, know that you will find here something very similar. This feature is optional and is fully customizable. It is also directly related to the framework's event manager, which means that scenarios can also be applied during a deferred death. __________________________________________________ 2. Prerequisites : Since the release of the version 1.3.0, Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) version 0.6.9 or later is required for the mod to work. Knockout Framework is compatible with the Mod Configuration Menu but it is not mandatory. __________________________________________________ 3. Installation : Automatic Installation: To install the mod automatically, use the mod manager of your choosing. Manual Installation: 1. Download the latest recommanded version the mod. 2. Open the archive using 7zip or Winrar. 3. Put "Knockout Framework.esm", "Knockout Framework - Main.ba2", "Interface", "MCM" and "F4SE" in the "Data" folder of the game. (Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data) 4. Launch the game and enable the Knockout Framework mod. __________________________________________________ 4. Uninstallation : IMPORTANT: BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE "PHYSICAL" UNINSTALLATION OF THE MOD (PLUGIN REMOVAL), YOU MUST UNINSTALL IT IN-GAME, FROM THE MCM OR THE MOD HOLOTAPE THEN SAVE YOUR GAME. If you do not do this, you may have some nasty surprises (nothing irreparable). Now you can uninstall all the mod's files ("Knockout Framework.esm", "Knockout Framework - Main.ba2" and all the concerned files in the "Interface", "MCM" and "F4SE" folders). __________________________________________________ 5. Legal Mentions : Do not hesitate to send me translations for this mod. Feel free to use any source file of this mod's API for your own creations. This mod may not be modified or published without my permission.