Accelerator Plasma Energy Weapon. Respecting the past by embracing the future. -Description- - An advanced plasma weapon was designed to be a cutting-edge technology of personal defense energy weapons. Accelerator fulfills all the attributes where the old world plasma gun lacks of, damage, projectile speed, reliability and versatility. It also extends an adaptive functionality by its highly-customizable modules to be a bolter, shotgun, SMG, auto-rifle, anti-material rifle or launcher, making every option unique for any types of experienced travelers. It also features unique naming scheme according to its parts and materials. -Credits- Attributes, Concept Design, Models, Textures, Sounds by Quad Rioters. Additional sounds by L.Statagem. -Other Projects- Projectile Rocket Launcher (RAW Launcher): updated version 4 -Platform Availability- - PC - Xbox One: uploading -How to obtain in-game- - Can be bought from any gun shops that usually have Plasma Gun over level 31, minus the Institute. - Can be dropped as a Legendary item from *high-leveled Legendary enemies with the same chance as Missile Launcher over level 31. * Tested on Legendary Raiders, Gunners, Synths: Legendary Gunners or Synths may have a slight chance while the other don't. -Weapon Attribute- - Regular Name: Accelerator - Ammo Type: Plasma Cartridge - Ammo Count: 18 - Related Perk: Gunslinger, Rifleman, Commando, Demolition Expert - Crafting Perk: Gun Nut, Science, Demolition Expert ______________________________________________________________